On Sunday afternoons it’s fantastic to cycle through the provincial roads of Puglia and Basilicata: you can easily run accross routes accompanied by beautiful landscapes and the sounds of nature. Also, you can meet interesting people.

People like the cyclist we met yesterday afternoon when, with our van, we left the road Bradanica to reach Irsina, in province o of Matera, and we came across the fantastic provincial street “Barese”, (old SS 96), which just from Irsina leads to Gravina in Puglia: no traffic, silence, scent of spring, flight of birds of prey and a great desire to leave our van and continue cycling!

Old building on the old "Barese" provincial street

Old building on the old “Barese” provincial street

Two british cyclists accross one of the provincial streets in Basilicata

Two british cyclists accross one of the provincial streets in Basilicata

The beautiful town of Irsina, in province of Matera

The beautiful town of Irsina, in province of Matera

Another image of Irsina

Another image of Irsina

A few hours later, on the way back from Venosa, after transferring the luggage of two British cyclists to the countryside of Grottole, we met Klaus, a cyclist who were crossing the road in harmonious solitude.
<<Hello, where are you going?>>, we asked.
<>, Klaus answered us with enthusiasm.
<<Eh, but you are far: here we are in Grottole!>>

Klaus cycling the Appian Way to reach Matera

Klaus cycling the Appian Way to reach Matera

Klaus leving us during his cycling tour accross the Appian Way

Klaus leving us during his cycling tour accross the Appian Way

Great Klaus: good luck on your bike trip!

We proudly enjoyed #SAFETRAVELS

Ferula Viaggi enjoyed the #SAFETRAVELS protocol of the World Travel & Tourism Council to guarantee and preserve the safety of its customers regarding COVID-19.



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